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Michael has a unique set of skills that enable him to work closely with clients and other professionals on all aspects of the investigation, analysis, strategy, litigation and resolution of legal claims to achieve outstanding results.


Michael has more than ten years of experience practicing in criminal, civil and administrative law. Michael has appeared as prosecuting counsel for the South Australian Director of Public Prosecutions in complex criminal trials and appeals, including fraud and serious and organised crime matters.


Michael also practiced in the Crown Solicitor’s Office where he appeared as counsel in commissions of inquiry, coronial inquests and disciplinary proceedings, as well as civil claims against the State including contract, maritime and dust disease matters.


As a solicitor, Michael worked on one of the largest insolvencies in the corporate history of Hong Kong.


Michael has recently returned to South Australia after working in Western Australia where he represented Australian defence force members in disciplinary and administrative proceedings, and the Australian Capital Territory where he conducted complex inquiries into suicide and worked closely with Coroners in all Australian jurisdictions.


Michael is a member of the Legal Services Commission General Panel, Complex Criminal Law Panel and the Murder Sub-Panel. Michael is also a member of the Royal Australian Navy Reserve Legal Panel.

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