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Save up to $220
on Will & Estate 
Planning Packages

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1 Person Will Pack ONLY $440 - Was $660


2 Person Will Pack ONLY $770 - Was $990

Each Will Pack Includes a *Will, Power of Attorney & Advance Care Directive

*Standard Wills Only

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Offer ends 22 December 2022. To redeem this offer, please mention this ad when you book your appointment

What is a Will?


A Will is a document that allows you to direct who will receive your property and possessions ("your estate") when you die. Making a will ensures that your wishes have legal force and can be carried out by your executor.

What happens if I don't have a Will?


If you die without a Will, it will be more complicated and more expensive for your family to resolve your estate than if you had made one. If you die without a Will, your estate will be distributed in accordance with the fixed rules, rather than the way you would want. The law dictates the order in which an estate is distributed. If you have no family that survives you, and you have not made a Will, then your estate may go to the government.

What is a Power of Attorney?


A Power of Attorney allows you to appoint another person to act on your behalf in legal and financial matters if you are unable to handle your affairs or are out of the country. A Power of Attorney can be appointed for a specific time (for example, if you are travelling overseas) or until death.

What is a Power of Attorney?


An Advance Care Directive deals with health, medical treatment and personal welfare. It allows you to appoint another person to make decisions about your medical treatment and nominate how you wish to be cared for if you are in a vegetative state or in the final stages of a terminal illness and cannot make decisions for yourself.

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Tel:  61 8 8272 8883

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